понедељак, 29. март 2010.

NAJBOLJA KUPOVINA druga lista, BEST BUY the second list

Za 12 kompanija o kojima je pisano u periodu od 30. avgusta 2009. do 13. marta 2010.

For the 12 companies in the texts from August 30th 2009. till March 13th 2010.

Galax Syntec SAE 5W-30

Fenix Gold SAE 0W-30

Lukoil LUX 5W-40 polu-sintetičko (semi-synthetic)

Lukoil LUX 15W-40 mineralno (mineral)

MOL Gold Longlife 5W-30

Kratka lista. Četa mala ali odabrana! Za razliku od prethodne „best buy“ liste koja je važila za velike kompanije pominjane u tekstovima od aprila do jula 2009. gde su na sličnoj listi bila ulja nižeg i srednjeg cenovnog razreda kod renomiranih ali jeftinijih i manjih brendova listu više popunjavaju njihova skuplja ulja (RNB i FAM) koja su tek za nijansu ispod najboljih svetskih brendova a naravno ubedljivo jeftinija. Naravno kod Lukoil-a je donekle drugačije dok MOL-ovo ulje je zaista izuzetno i na listi je i pored visoke cene.

Short List. „Small group but chosen one“! In contrast of the last „best buy“ list which is valid for the big companies in texts from April till July in 2009. and where there were mostly oils with low or medium price (relatively, for the biggest brands) in the case of respectable but smaller and low-priced brands on the list are their more expensive oils (RNB and FAM) which are just a little bit below quality of the world top brands and with significantly lower prices. Lukoil is somewhat different case while MOL’s oil is very impressive and is on the list despite relatively high price.

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