четвртак, 25. март 2010.

Preporučena kupovina (Recommended Buy)

Odnos kvaliteta i cene je najvažnije za izbor motornog ulja. Ukoliko se odlučite za renomiranog proizvođača koji poštuje standarde sigurno nećete pogrešiti. Ipak nije svejedno koliko ćete novca potrošiti. U sledeća tri teksta biće date sledeće kategorije:

Preporučena kupovina (Preporuka), Preporuka + i Najbolja kupovina.

Ove kategorije označavaju respektivno ocene: 8, 9 i 10 na skali od 1 do 10.

Opisno ocene označavaju: vrlo dobar, odličan i izuzetan.

Znači ocenjivanje kao na faklultetu ili sportskom žurnalu (izaberite sami).

Retka su ulja sa ocenom 5 (neprolaznom) jer ili su preskupa ili nedovoljnog kvaliteta te kao takva brzo nestaju sa tržišta ili im se koriguje cena. Većina ulja ima ovaj odnos koji se može oceniti sa 6 ili 7. Skuplja a kvalitetna obično imaju 6 (zadovoljavajući odnos) a jeftinija a solidna 7 (dobar odnos kvalitet/cena). Relativno malo ulja u kategoriji „Najbolja kupovina“ nije nelogičan odnos stvari jer i sami proizvođači vremenom ovakvim uljima povećavaju cenu te prelaze u neku od dve niže kategorije. Razlika između ocene 9 i 10 je kao i na fakultetu i fudbalu je vrlo mala i skoro samo u utisku te kategoriju „preporuka +“ tretirajte više kao „odličan –„ nego „vrlo dobar +“.


Tabele važe samo za sledeće kompanije (o kojima je pisano posle prvih tabela ovog tipa od avgusta 2009. i po redosledu navođenja u tekstovima) i samo za motorna ulja za putnički program:

RNB (Galax), FAM, Rafinerija Modriča (Optima), INA, Total, Prista, Lukoil, Texaco (Havoline), Eko Hellenic, MOL, OMV i NIS.

Negde ćete uočiti da je u jednoj kategoriji naznačena serija ali da su u drugoj neki njeni predstavnici. Ovo je učinjeno zbog preglednosti tabela inače bi trebalo naznačiti u tim poljima koji su primerci u drugim kategorijama.

Kako je tekst podeljen u tri zasebna dela koja će biti objavljena u sledećih 5 do 6 dana, tabele su zapravo postale liste. Molim vas da za zaključke (ne i za komentare) sačekate da objavim sve tri kategorije (preporuka, preporuka+ i najbolja kupovina).

I na kraju ali ne i po značaju: zavisno od stanja na tržištu i pojedinih popusta („akcije“) većina navedenih ulja mogu da se nađu i u kategoriji više ili ukoliko poskupe (ili ih nađete po višim cenama u pojedinim prodavnicama) i u kategoriji niže. Cene su prosečne i uglavnom sa benzinskih pumpi gde su ulja dostupna (većina da) ili prosek nekoliko trgovina do kojih je autor došao. Naravno „kataloške“ ili cene uvoznika (ako su navedene na net-u) su bile kod nekih od brendova referentne. Aktuelna nestabilnost kursa takođe može dovesti do poremećaja u vrednovanju jer je tabela (liste) rađena na osnovu cena dok je evro bio stabilan i na nivou od približno 95 dinara.

Redosled je od vrlo dobrih, preko odličnih do izuzetnih ulja po pitanju odnosa kvalitet/cena.

Naravno najviše je prvih a najmanje poslednjih. Otkriću vam tajnu: Svih brendova (osim Optima-e) ima i u Preporuka+ kategoriji, dok u "najbolja kupovina" sadrži svega par imena.
Mislim da nisam bio prestrog prema Rafineriji Modriča. Kvalitet im je visok ali i cene. Zato je u ovoj prvoj kategoriji i (neočekivano) puno ulja ovog brenda. Isto tako malo zastupljenih u ovoj ne znači da je brend manje vredan jer nekih više ima u sledećoj kategoriji (preporuka +).

English version:

Relation between quality and price is the most important for the selection of motor oil. If you choose respectable manufacturers who comply with certain standards, you will not make mistake. But it is important how much money you will spend. The following three texts will be given the following categories:

Recomended Buy, Recomended Buy + and Best Buy.

These categories denote respectively Grades 8, 9 and 10 on a scale of 1 to 10

Descriptive assessment mark: very good, excellent and extraordinary.

Assessment as a means to faklultetu or sports journal (choose yourself).

Very few motor oils have mark 5 (insufficient) because they are too expensive or of insufficient quality and such quickly disappear from the market or producers correct their prices. Most of the oils has a relationship that can evaluate a 6 or 7. Expensive usually have good quality 6 (satisfactory relationship) and a cheaper with solid quality has 7 (a good relation quality / price). Relatively little oil in the category "Best purchase" is logical because producers themselves over time increase the cost of these oils and turn them into one of the two lower categories. The difference between grades 9 and 10 is like in college or football and is very small and almost the only impression so that the category "recommended +" is more "excellent -" then "very good +.


Tables are only valid for the following companies and for motor oils for passenger program:

RNB (Galax), FAM, refinery Modrica (Optima), INA, Total, Prista, Lukoil, Texaco (Havoline), Eco-Hellenic, MOL, OMV and the NIS.

Sometime you will see that some of the oil from serie is in other category then whole serie. This was done because of visibility of the table (list).

How is the text divided into three separate parts which will be released in the next 5 to 6 days, tables are actually becoming the lists. Please wait to publish Final Decision (not comments) before all three categories (recommendation, recommendations+ and best buy) would be issued.

And at last but not the least: depending on market conditions and certain discount ("Actions"), most of these oils can be found in the better category, or if more expensive (or find them at higher prices in some stores) and in the category below. Prices are average and mostly from the gas pumps where oil is available (most of it) or the average of several stores to which the author came. Of course, "catalogue" or the price the importer (if they are listed at net-a) were referenced for some of the brands. The current rate instability can also lead to disturbances in the evaluation because the table (list) made on the basis of price, while the euro was steady at a level of approximately 95 dinars.

Order is as follows: very good, excellent to outstanding in the terms of relations between oil quality and price.

Of course most of oils are in the first list and very few in last. I will discovery you a secret: All brands (except the Optima) has the Preporuka + category, while the "best buy" contains only a few names.

I think I was not very strict to the refinery Modrica. Their high quality but also the price. Therefore, in this first category (surprisingly) there is a lot of oil from this brand. Also small number in the first list does not mean that the brand is worthless because some of them have more oils in the next category (recommended buy +).


Galax Racing SAE 5W−40
Galax Sint SAE 10W−40
Galax GLX 5 15W-40
Galax GAS 15W-40

Fenix BM Extra SAE 10W-40

Fenix univerzal (serija, series)

Fenix Gas Oil SAE 15W-40

Optima 0W-30

Optima ECO SAE 5w-30

Optima GAS, SAE 15W-40

Optima LONG LIFE, SAE 20W-50 i 20W-60

Optima Magnum 5W-40

INA Futura MB 5W-30

INA Millennium 5W-40

INA DELTA 5 i Delta 5 Gold (15W-40 i 20W-50)

Total Quartz Energy 9000 0W-30

Total Quartz Racing 10W-50

Total Quartz INEO MC3 (SAE 5W-30)

Prista Ultra (serija, series)

Prista Super Benzin 15W-40

Lukoil Super (serija, series)

Havoline Extra 10W-40

Havoline Ultra 5W-40

Havoline Ultra BM 5W-30

Havoline 505.01 (5W-40)

EKO Megatron Super 15W-40

MOL Gold 5W-30

MOL Synt 5W-30

MOL Essence (serija, series)

OMV Bixxol special SR SAE 10W-60

OMV Bixxol economic i economic diesel SAE 15W-40

OMV Bixxol extra i extra diesel SAE 10W-40

OMV Bixxol special BM 5W-30

Nisotec Sint SAE 5W-40

Nisotec PS 10W-40

Gore navedeno za Rafineriju Modriča (Optima brend) praktično važi i za OMV.

(Observation for Rafinerija Modriča (Optima brand) is almost the same for the OMV).

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